Message from Fr. Patrick Burns, Parish Administrator (5/6/18 bulletin):
Since I have come to St. Francis Borgia, I have grown in a deeper devotion to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit seems to be “nudging” me in ways that I am still trying to figure out. Often the Holy Spirit is the forgotten person of the Blessed Trinity. We talk about and pray to the Father. We know all kinds of details about the Son and we hopefully form a friendship with him over time. What about the Holy Spirit? Sometimes we forget that the Holy Spirit is a person as well. All three are one God and yet each is a person. What this means is that we can have a living relationship with the Holy Spirit.
During Easter Time we remember the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In addition, part of this season is to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. On that incredible day, God’s Spirit descended on the Apostles and transformed them. I believe that God wants to send down his Holy Spirit on St. Francis Borgia parish in powerful ways-we just need to be open.
For this reason, we will be offering Eucharistic Adoration to call down the Holy Spirit on our Parish. From 1:30 p.m. on Friday, May 18 until 4:15 p.m. on Saturday, May 19, St. Francis Borgia will offer 27 hours Eucharistic Adoration in preparation for Pentecost.
All parishioners are invited to sign up to spend time in prayer with the Blessed Sacrament during this special opportunity. You are welcome to stay for an hour – or more – as your schedule allows.
For those not familiar with Eucharistic Adoration, the flyer (“A Beginner’s Guide to Adoration”) in today’s bulletin might be of interest.
If you wish to schedule a time, there is an online sign-up sheet using SignUp Genius. You can access it at Not a computer person? There is also a paper sign-up sheet on the Information Station.
If you happen to look at a time and all four spots are filled, please come anyway! The four spots are just the starting point to ensure that the Eucharist remains guarded during this period. We’d love to have the church filled for each of those 27 hours!
Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to call down the Holy Spirit on St. Francis Borgia Parish.