As for the past five years, the Archdiocese is observing a “Fortnight for Freedom” this year, beginning on June 21 and continuing until July 4. This is a nation-wide effort promoted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The theme this year is “Freedom for Mission.” We are called to follow Christ as missionary disciples by seeking the truth, serving others, and living our faith in all that we do. Let us take a few moments each day from June 21 – July 4 to pray, reflect, and take action on religious liberty, both here in this country and abroad.
To highlight the importance of promoting religious liberty, Archbishop Listecki will celebrate a closing Mass on July 4 at 9 a.m. at St. Monica Parish, 160 E. Silver Spring Drive in Whitefish Bay. Everyone is invited to come and pray for the protection of religious liberty here and abroad.