My first six months at the parish have been a blessing. I have enjoyed seeing the vibrant community here at St. Francis Borgia.
We have a parish full of people willing to help and even to take initiative on all kinds of wonderful projects and events. We have an incredible school here, as well. I have also enjoyed seeing the kids for Christian Formation and watching a wonderful group of high school students start a Scripture discussion group called “Rooted.”
I am also pleased to announce an exciting opportunity this February that I have been working on with a number of parishioners. When I was in college I started to listen to the music of Mike Mangione. It turns out that Mike is a parishioner of St. Francis Borgia! One of the many hats he wears is traveling with the renowned Catholic speaker Christopher West. Fr. Dan Janasik, the much beloved (and bacon loving) former associate at St. Francis Borgia, was the first person to introduce me to Christopher West and his work several years ago.
On the evening of Thursday, Feb. 23, Christopher West will speak about Theology of the Body in the school gym. He will be accompanied by the music of Mike Mangione. More details to come!
I hope you can make it. Also, stay tuned for information on our parish’s first “Family Holy Hour” coming in March. Most importantly though, this Christmas let’s give glory to God for the gift of His only begotten Son. A blessed Christmas to you all!