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Help Auction from the Heart

The SFB School Auction from the Heart (the “Beach Ball”) is quickly approaching! Please consider helping to support our school’s biggest fundraiser. There are many ways to help make this event a success:

Sponsor a particular part of the auction

Purchase Grand Raffle tickets

  • Prizes are $5,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place and $1,000 for third place
  • Raffle tickets are $20 each or three for $50
  • You can purchase raffle tickets after Masses at the North Church on Feb. 10-11 and Feb. 24-25

Plan to attend the BEACH BALL on Saturday, March 3 at the Ozaukee Pavilion

  • Not able to be there? You can also bid from home on our fabulous items.
  • RSVP by Feb. 23 at sfb2018.gesture.com, where you can purchase tickets or register to participate.

Full information about the “Beach Ball” event/auction is in the Event description.

If you would like to help in any way or have any questions, please contact the School Office.

