Whenever prayers are needed, anyone can call to have their intention prayed for by members of the SFB prayer chain. The person needing prayers does not have to be a parish member. Names of non-parishioners and/or friends and neighbors can be added to our prayer chain. These requests are shared via a telephone tree system.
We are in need of people to assist with the prayer chain by offering prayers. To be added to the calling list, please contact Katie in the parish office or all 262-377-1070, ext. 221.
Special thanks to Peggy Schmidt for volunteering to take leadership of the prayer chain calling tree!
To learn more about the prayer chain, please contact Katie in the parish office.
We are honored to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ and hope that the prayers offered are comforting and helpful for them.
(Note: The prayer chain is different from the bulletin prayer list, which includes only the names of parishioners. Effective July 1, we will be instituting a new policy for the prayer list that appears in each bulletin. Names of those added to the list will be published in a total of 12 bulletins [about three months]. If at the end of that time, the person wishes to remain on the list, he/she will need to call the parish office and share that request.
The bulletin prayer list only includes the names of parishioners. Due to HIPAA laws, the request must be made by the individual or by a member of his/her family. Should you have any questions about this new policy, please email the parish bulletin editor [Julie] or call her at 262-377-1070, ext. 227.)