This ministry is our way of connecting with the college students from our parish.
You can help spread good cheer to these young adults by donating your choice of items listed below. Last date to donate is this weekend (Dec. 3-4). Drop items in the large brown donation bins in the gathering area or you can bring them to the parish office from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5.
These items will be appreciated: wrapped candy, gum or mints; snack-size packages of chips, pretzels or crackers; coffee, tea or hot cocoa packets; microwave popcorn; fruit rollups or snacks; stickers; stamps; prayer cards; note pads or Post-Its; pens or highlighters; lip balm and cough drops. (NO ramen noodles, please!)
If you have a child in college, either living at home or away, and would like them to receive a care pack, share their current address and a minimum $7 donation to defray mailing costs.
All names must be received by Monday, Dec. 5. If you have questions, please email Laurel in the Office of Youth Ministry or call 262-377-1070, ext. 249.