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Low-gluten hosts available

St. Francis Borgia Parish now offers low-gluten Communion hosts for those who are gluten intolerant. If you require a low-gluten host, please use the instructions below.

Prior to Mass, go to the offertory gifts table in the gathering area. Use the tongs to take one host from the plastic container marked “Low-Gluten” and place it in the small gold vessel (Illustration #1). We ask that an adult perform this for a child requiring low-gluten.

Illustration #1

Stand in the priest’s (presider’s) line for Communion. When you step up to the priest, point to the small gold vessel (hooked to the ciborium – Illustration #2) and the priest will present you with the low-gluten host.

Illustration #2


If, at time of Communion, you realize that you had forgotten to place a low-gluten host in the small gold vessel, please refrain from receiving the Body of Christ at that Mass. This is because there will only be enough low-gluten hosts for those who had reserved a host for themselves prior to consecration at Mass. Instead, please partake only of the Precious Blood at that Mass.

For more information, see the flyer.