Fr. Patrick is aware of many parishioners with young children who would like to be more involved in parish events, but who need help with child care. We want to help these moms and dads grow their faith and strengthen their family life by addressing this need.
Whether you are a teen looking for service hours or an empty nester who enjoys being with kids, we need you on the SFB Child Care Ministry Team.
Volunteers will provide child care at the parish to enable parents to take part in prayer services, faith formation events and other activities. All adult volunteers must have taken a Safe Environment class and have a background check done prior to volunteering. For more information contact the parish office.
A Safe Environment class will be offered at St. Francis Borgia on Tuesday, Nov. 27 from 6-9 p.m. in the church hall. Online pre-registration is required! To sign up for this class or to view other opportunities go to