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Photos of Parish Life

Deacon Kevin's First Sermon

Shortly after being ordained, Deacon Kevin Tanel joined the parish for daily masses at the South Church and weekend Masses at the North Church. Among preaching at daily and weekend Masses, he was involved with Totus Tuus and visits with parishioners. Deacon Kevin has served St. Francis Borgia in the past three years as a seminarian.

Archbishop Listecki celebrates Independence Day Mass 2022
Archbishop Listecki celebrated Independence Day Mass at the North Church on Monday, July 4. Over 200 parishioners were in attendance to give praise and gratitude to God for all He has given us, including the right to worship freely in our country.
Clergy and Leadership Appreciation Banquet 2020

February 5, 2020
The Knights of Columbus held the 2020 Clergy and Leadership Appreciation Banquet on Wednesday, February 5 at The Hub on Cedar Creek. Over 100 parishioners turned out to celebrate the sacramental gift of holy orders and to honor those serving in ministry at St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph parishes. Attendees enjoyed fellowship, a delicious meal, and an inspirational talk by Anne Haines, Respect Life Director of Urban Ministry for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Honorees in attendance included Fr. Patrick Burns, Fr. Steve Lampe, deacons Scott Wiese and Al Lazaga, and seminarians Tim Schumaker and Kevin Tanel. Other honorees unable to attend were St. Joseph parish director Brenda Cline, deacons Dick Govek and Don Kabara, and several help-out priests. In honor of our guests, the San Salvador Council presented checks to our priests totaling $2,500 to support Catholic education at St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph parishes; seminarian scholarships totaling $2,500 to Tim and Kevin; and other individual gifts of appreciation.

Parish 175th Anniversary Mass with the Archbishop

October 6, 2019
On Sunday, Oct. 6, Archbishop Jerome Listecki joined us at the 10 a.m. Mass at the North Church to help us celebrate the 175th Anniversary of St. Francis Borgia Parish. Other honored guests were Fr. John Burns (speaker at our parish mission nights and brother of Fr. Patrick); former pastors Fr. Ed Wawrzyniakowski and Fr. Tom Eichenberger; and Fr. Paul Ssebitoogo, pastor of our twin parish in Uganda. Other visitors from Uganda, along with seminary intern Kevin Tanel, were also in attendance. The archbishop presided at the Mass, with Fr. Patrick, Fr. John, Fr. Tom and Fr. Paul concelebrating.


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