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Photos of Parish Life

Fr. Matthew Welcome Weekend

St. Francis Borgia both celebrated and welcomed our new associate pastor, Fr. Matthew Ferch the weekend of June 25-26, 2022. Following all Masses everyone was invited for hospitality in the North Church Hall for fellowship and to meet Fr. Matthew. Please pray for Fr. Matthew and our parish!

Fr. Matthew Welcome Weekend

St. Francis Borgia both celebrated and welcomed our new associate pastor, Fr. Matthew Ferch the weekend of June 25-26, 2022. Following all Masses everyone was invited for hospitality in the North Church Hall for fellowship and to meet Fr. Matthew. Please pray for Fr. Matthew and our parish!

May Crowning 2022
May Crowning Mass was celebrated by Fr. John Burns on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at the North Church. Children who recently made their First Holy Communion were invited to process to the Marian Shrine following Mass and lay roses by Mary.

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