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Photos of Parish Life

Fr. Matthew Welcome Weekend

St. Francis Borgia both celebrated and welcomed our new associate pastor, Fr. Matthew Ferch the weekend of June 25-26, 2022. Following all Masses everyone was invited for hospitality in the North Church Hall for fellowship and to meet Fr. Matthew. Please pray for Fr. Matthew and our parish!

Holy Thursday 2023
Holy Thursday Mass was celebrated at the North Church at 7 p.m. This Mass featured the washing of the feet, reading of the Last Supper with Adoration in the North Church Hall following Mass which was available through the night until Friday afternoon.
International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima visits our parish

September 20-21, 2021

The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima made its way through southeastern Wisconsin in September and spent two days at St. Francis Borgia Parish. The statue, sculpted in 1947 by José Thedim, reflects the precise instructions of Sister Lucia regarding her vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima in 1917. The statue arrived at the South Church on Monday morning, Sept.20, and was visited by hundreds throughout the day and night during Eucharistic Adoration. Rosaries were recited at 8:30 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. On Tuesday Sept. 21, a consecration prayer to the Blessed Mother was recited after Mass at the South Church. The statue was processed out of and around the church to the vehicle in which it travels. The rest of the day was spent at the North Church where the Pilgrim Virgin Statue was visited by 300 school children and parishioners throughout the day. Rosaries were recited at noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and the statue departed later that evening. Mr. Larry Maginot, one of the custodians who travels the country with the statue, made presentations about the messages of Fatima to various adult, middle-school, grade-school and pre-school audiences.

Easter Sunday 2019

April 21, 2019

On Easter Sunday morning, April 21, parishioners were greeted in a beautiful setting, with the altar and sanctuary adorned by bountiful Easter lilies and spring flowers. The Easter Sunday Masses brought back joyful singing and many alleluias to celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen! Catholics everywhere were reminded of their baptismal faith in Christ, and all were sprinkled with new water from the font. These photos were taken at the 9 a.m. Mass at the North Church, with Fr. Patrick Burns presiding; and at the 10 a.m. Mass at the South Church, with Fr. Steven Avella presiding.

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