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Photos of Parish Life

Fr. Matthew Welcome Weekend

St. Francis Borgia both celebrated and welcomed our new associate pastor, Fr. Matthew Ferch the weekend of June 25-26, 2022. Following all Masses everyone was invited for hospitality in the North Church Hall for fellowship and to meet Fr. Matthew. Please pray for Fr. Matthew and our parish!

Clergy Night 2023
Our annual Clergy Dinner was held on February 7,2023 at the River Club in Mequon. This dinner honored the pastors, helping priests, deacons and seminarians of St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph Parish in Grafton: Fr. Patrick Burns, Fr. Matthew Ferch, Fr. Nick Baumgardner, Fr, Tom Eichenberger, Deacon Kevin Tanel, Deacon Al Lazaga, Deacon Scott Wiese and seminarians Brady Gagne and Peter Danner. Tom Pipines, retired Fox 6 sportscaster was the featured speaker, sharing stories of faith and the intersection with the sports community. Over 150 attended this event, a 50% increase over last year. Donations totaled $9,200 took the form of scholarships for our four seminarians and cash contributions to the schools in these two parishes covered by our Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council.
Christmas Vigil 2022
The South Church was filled with parishioners who celebrated Christmas Vigil with Fr. John Burns. Mass was held at 4 p.m. and was decorated with beautiful flowers and decorations made possible by Christmas donations from parishioners.
Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession 2021

June 6, 2021
Sunday, June 6, was the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi. After a special 11:30 a.m. Mass at the historic South Church, more than 150 persons processed on a one-mile prayerful journey from the church to Cedar Creek Park. After prayers, the procession returned to the South Church. The Eucharistic Procession was led by Fr. Patrick Burns, Fr. John Burns and Fr. Timothy Schumaker. Eucharistic processions date back to the thirteenth century. For more information on Corpus Christi, visit this page at Catholic World Report.

Confirmation 2019

May 9, 2019
On Thursday, May 9, Archbishop Jerome Listecki confirmed 54 of our high school juniors. It was a wonderful evening of celebration. Our pastor, Fr. Patrick Burns, concelebrated the Mass. Those confirmed received the empowerment, grace or gift of the Holy Spirit. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord. May the gifts the candidates received in Confirmation be with them as they become adults.

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