Easter Sunday Masses were held at both the North and South Church with over 2,000 people attending all Masses respectively. Easter decorations in honor and memory of family and friends of parishioners were on display. He is Risen, Alleluia!
April 11, 2021A special service was held on Sunday afternoon, April 11, in celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. Parishioners joined Fr. Patrick at the South Church at 3 p.m. for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction. A framed image of the Divine Mercy is to the right of the sanctuary. The image is based on a vision of our Lord seen by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in 1931.
August 7, 2021Newly-ordained priest, Fr. Jeff Dorr, S.J., celebrated the 4:30 p.m. Mass at the North Church on Saturday, Aug. 7. Fr. Jeff was ordained a Jesuit priest on June 12 at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee. The son of long-time parishioners John and Pat Dorr, Fr. Jeff grew up in our parish, attending Mass at the historic stone church and graduating from the parish grade school. With his ordination, he has become a priest-son of St. Francis Borgia Parish.
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