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Photos of Parish Life

Christmas Vigil 2022
The South Church was filled with parishioners who celebrated Christmas Vigil with Fr. John Burns. Mass was held at 4 p.m. and was decorated with beautiful flowers and decorations made possible by Christmas donations from parishioners.
Good Friday 2023
Good Friday Mass began with the conclusion of Adoration. Over 500 attended this Mass at 3 p.m. at the North Church. The veneration of the cross was presented, many bowed, touched, kissed or genuflected at the cross. The Passion of Christ was read during Mass and was concluded in an optional silence veneration of the cross.
Blessing of Pets 2021

October 3, 2021
The annual blessing of pets took place Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3, on the plaza at the North Church. This event helped us celebrate the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Fr. Patrick Burns provided the blessing; he was assisted by seminarian Kevin Tanel.

Easter Vigil 2019

April 20, 2019
On Holy Saturday evening, the blessing of the Easter fire and the lighting of the Easter candle marked the beginning of the Easter Vigil. During the services of Light, Word, Water and Eucharist we heard stories of our salvation history and welcomed new members to our faith community. The Easter Vigil brought back many joyous alleluias to celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen!

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