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Photos of Parish Life

Clergy Night 2023
Our annual Clergy Dinner was held on February 7,2023 at the River Club in Mequon. This dinner honored the pastors, helping priests, deacons and seminarians of St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph Parish in Grafton: Fr. Patrick Burns, Fr. Matthew Ferch, Fr. Nick Baumgardner, Fr, Tom Eichenberger, Deacon Kevin Tanel, Deacon Al Lazaga, Deacon Scott Wiese and seminarians Brady Gagne and Peter Danner. Tom Pipines, retired Fox 6 sportscaster was the featured speaker, sharing stories of faith and the intersection with the sports community. Over 150 attended this event, a 50% increase over last year. Donations totaled $9,200 took the form of scholarships for our four seminarians and cash contributions to the schools in these two parishes covered by our Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council.
Good Friday 2021

April 2, 2021
The Easter Triduum continued with the service on Good Friday afternoon, celebrating Jesus’ saving death on the wood of the cross. This included the Passion narrative from St. John’s Gospel and veneration of the cross -- with the congregation coming forward to gaze at the cross and offer a gesture of respect to all that it represents.

Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday 2022
The Easter Triduum was celebrated at the North Church on Holy Saturday, April 16. Mass began at dusk with lighting of the Easter Candle on the plaza of the North Church followed by a procession into Church to celebrate the rising of our Lord Jesus Christ. A beautiful welcome celebration was held for those being baptized, receiving their First Communion, Confirmation and being welcomed into the Church. A light reception was held following Masses for those in the RCIA program.

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