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Photos of Parish Life

Good Friday 2021

April 2, 2021
The Easter Triduum continued with the service on Good Friday afternoon, celebrating Jesus’ saving death on the wood of the cross. This included the Passion narrative from St. John’s Gospel and veneration of the cross -- with the congregation coming forward to gaze at the cross and offer a gesture of respect to all that it represents.

Parish Day of Service

May 8, 2021Our annual Parish Day of Service was held at the North Church on Saturday, May 8. The day began at 8 a.m. with a prayer in church. There were more than 50 parishioners – school families, Christian Formation families, older parishioners, young parishioners, teens and even a one-year-old – working together to clean up the parish grounds. Of special note were the clean-up of the old foundation and fire pit area, and the garden beds in front of the rectory and around the grounds. It was a beautiful day filled with laughter, conversation and relationship building. Following the morning’s work, there was a pizza lunch on the plaza for fun and fellowship.

All Saints Day Party 2021

November 3, 2021
On Wednesday, Nov. 3, children from St. Francis Borgia's St. Bonaventure Choir and Christian Formation program celebrated All Saints' Day with a heavenly party. Children played saint-themed games and met "saints alive" who shared about their lives. A saint costume contest produced some very holy guests. The children prepared for the event by learning about a saint of their choice and completing a saint project, which was entered in a contest. Thank you to everyone who made this party possible. All you holy saints and angels, pray for us.

Clergy and Leadership Appreciation Banquet 2020

February 5, 2020
The Knights of Columbus held the 2020 Clergy and Leadership Appreciation Banquet on Wednesday, February 5 at The Hub on Cedar Creek. Over 100 parishioners turned out to celebrate the sacramental gift of holy orders and to honor those serving in ministry at St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph parishes. Attendees enjoyed fellowship, a delicious meal, and an inspirational talk by Anne Haines, Respect Life Director of Urban Ministry for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Honorees in attendance included Fr. Patrick Burns, Fr. Steve Lampe, deacons Scott Wiese and Al Lazaga, and seminarians Tim Schumaker and Kevin Tanel. Other honorees unable to attend were St. Joseph parish director Brenda Cline, deacons Dick Govek and Don Kabara, and several help-out priests. In honor of our guests, the San Salvador Council presented checks to our priests totaling $2,500 to support Catholic education at St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph parishes; seminarian scholarships totaling $2,500 to Tim and Kevin; and other individual gifts of appreciation.

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