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Photos of Parish Life

Good Friday 2021

April 2, 2021
The Easter Triduum continued with the service on Good Friday afternoon, celebrating Jesus’ saving death on the wood of the cross. This included the Passion narrative from St. John’s Gospel and veneration of the cross -- with the congregation coming forward to gaze at the cross and offer a gesture of respect to all that it represents.

"Encountering God as Men" Series

March 23, 2021
In honor of St. Joseph -- the patron of fathers, families and the universal Church -- the second of the two-part "Encountering God as Men" series for men was held Tuesday evening, Mar. 23, at the North Church. The event included reflections on St. Joseph by parishioner Joe Bassindale. Participants also heard inspiring talks and personal stories of encountering God in suffering and in love, by guest speaker Bruce A. Lanser.

Pet Blessing 2019

October 5, 2019
As part of our 175th anniversary celebration, Deacon Scott Wiese (from St. Joseph Parish in Grafton) offered a blessing of pets and animals. This was held on Saturday morning, Oct. 5 on the plaza at the North Church. The sky was overcast but the rain stayed away– with the sun peaking out just after the blessing. The date was chosen because it was the weekend closest to the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. We thank Deacon Scott for offering this blessing for the special “members” of our families.

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