April 29-30, 2017Receptions were held after the 4:30 p.m., 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Masses April 29-30 to honor Lana Schumacher, our Director of Liturgical Music, for her 36+ years of service to our parish. Parishioners stopped down in the church hall to personally express their appreciation and wish her well in her retirement. Afterwards, as part of a thank-you, Lana wrote: “It has been an honor and privilege to serve this parish the past 36 years and to witness the growth of singing within the liturgies that has developed over the years.”
March 5, 2016 As part of First Eucharist preparation, SFB First Communicants and their parents attend a First Eucharist Afternoon of Reflection during Lent. This is a time to pull together all of the information learned about First Communion. Activities include puzzles and games, video clips, baking bread and touring the church. The afternoon ends with the children taking the bread they made and “breaking it” with their parent(s) or special adult. Click to view gallery.