September 27, 2019To help celebrate the 175th anniversary of our parish, the Knights of Columbus sponsored a fish fry followed by bingo. This was held Friday evening, Sept. 27 in the St. Francis Borgia School gym. Desserts were provided by the Women’s Guild. It was an enjoyable evening, with good food, good conversations, and fun. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the event.
February 17, 2016
St. Francis Borgia parish was blessed to have a visit from singer/storyteller ValLimar Jansen on Wednesday evening, Feb. 17 at the North Church. ValLimar delighted those of all ages with her engaging presentation. Blessed with an extraordinary voice, she is a highly regarded singer, storyteller and recording artist. She is internationally known for her inspirational presentations and engaging audiences with vibrant Scripture stories. This was a Year of Mercy event. Click to view gallery.