October 12, 2017What a beautiful, grace-filled evening we experienced with stories, music, prayer and time with our Lord in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the SAM (Substance Addiction Ministry) event on Oct. 12. The topic was “Hope and Healing: Overcoming Adversity through Stories, Songs and Prayer.” Special thanks to Ben Wagner, our Catholic songwriter/musician, Fr. Patrick Burns and all who attended and prayed with us.
April 2017This year, 80 boys and girls from St. Francis Borgia received their First Holy Communion (First Eucharist). As in past years, the First Communions were celebrated at multiple Masses, with some children at Masses on April 22-23, and some on the weekend of April 29-30. Because First Eucharist is a sacrament of initiation, it is celebrated during the Easter season.