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Photos of Parish Life – Archives

Farewell Reception for Fr. Tom

June 18, 2017
Fr. Tom’s farewell reception was another wonderful opportunity to thank our pastor, Fr. Tom Eichenberger for 14+ years of service to St. Francis Borgia Parish. This family-friendly reception, with lots of food and fellowship, was held Sunday afternoon, June 18, in the SFB School gymnasium.  This was an especially fitting location, because of Fr. Tom’s major role in the planning, fundraising, and construction of the Education & Activity Center, which houses our school.

Singer/Storyteller ValLimar Jansen

February 17, 2016

St. Francis Borgia parish was blessed to have a visit from singer/storyteller ValLimar Jansen on Wednesday evening, Feb. 17 at the North Church. ValLimar delighted those of all ages with her engaging presentation. Blessed with an extraordinary voice, she is a highly regarded singer, storyteller and recording artist. She is internationally known for her inspirational presentations and engaging audiences with vibrant Scripture stories. This was a Year of Mercy event. Click to view gallery.