September 27, 2019To help celebrate the 175th anniversary of our parish, the Knights of Columbus sponsored a fish fry followed by bingo. This was held Friday evening, Sept. 27 in the St. Francis Borgia School gym. Desserts were provided by the Women’s Guild. It was an enjoyable evening, with good food, good conversations, and fun. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the event.
Feb. 23, 2017On Thursday, Feb. 23, St. Francis Borgia Parish hosted Christopher West for a presentation on “God, Sex and the Meaning of Life.” Christopher is an internationally-known expert on John Paul II's Theology of the Body. He had an important message for all on the beauty of human sexuality and the wisdom of the Church's teachings on love and marriage. Joining Christopher was SFB parishioner Mike Mangione, a nationally touring musician and podcast host, who added wonderful music to the evening’s activities. This presentation for adults and young adults was held at the Education & Activity Center. The event was sponsored by SFB, the SFB Respect Life Committee and the Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council of Cedarburg-Grafton.
October 12, 2017What a beautiful, grace-filled evening we experienced with stories, music, prayer and time with our Lord in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the SAM (Substance Addiction Ministry) event on Oct. 12. The topic was “Hope and Healing: Overcoming Adversity through Stories, Songs and Prayer.” Special thanks to Ben Wagner, our Catholic songwriter/musician, Fr. Patrick Burns and all who attended and prayed with us.