April 20, 2019On Holy Saturday evening, the blessing of the Easter fire and the lighting of the Easter candle marked the beginning of the Easter Vigil. During the services of Light, Word, Water and Eucharist we heard stories of our salvation history and welcomed new members to our faith community. The Easter Vigil brought back many joyous alleluias to celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen!
March 5, 2016 As part of First Eucharist preparation, SFB First Communicants and their parents attend a First Eucharist Afternoon of Reflection during Lent. This is a time to pull together all of the information learned about First Communion. Activities include puzzles and games, video clips, baking bread and touring the church. The afternoon ends with the children taking the bread they made and “breaking it” with their parent(s) or special adult. Click to view gallery.