These traditional Polish/Slovak Christmas wafers are available for purchase in the parish office during our regular business hours (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday — and until noon on Dec. 24). The suggested donation for each package of four wafers is $2. Please make your payment by cash or check. Small bills and/or exact amount is helpful.
The custom of breaking and passing the thin, wafery Oplatek bread at the Christmas Eve meal reminds us of our daily bread and the Bread of Life who came into this world.
From the Polish Art Center website: “Christmas wafers have been mailed to each other in this holy season to solidify family unity … This is man’s humble attempt at reciprocity of God’s love in abandoning the security of eternity for His deepest penetration in human from as the Son of the Virgin Mary, the Babe of Bethlehem – our Lord Jesus Christ.”