More dates have been added to have your photo taken for the upcoming parish directory: Dec. 27, 28 and 29. The dates to get people scheduled are coming to a close with the last date being Jan. 19. Please check the parish website or go directly to to access the schedule. Those already photographed have been very pleased with the quality of the photographs taken.
If you have any questions or are unable to sign up online, please contact Mary Aschenbrener at 262-376-9992.
And remember – if you bring a donation for the House of Peace, you’ll receive $5 off any pictures you wish to purchase. Thanks to those who’ve already taken advantage of this “bonus,” we have already collected these items for their greatest needs: 10 hats, three pairs of gloves, 13 undershirts, 17 pairs of underwear and 64 pairs of socks.
Should the St. Francis Borgia dates not work for you, please call Lifetouch at 1-866-756-0281 to see if there are dates at nearby parishes that would work for your schedule. You will still get your free 8 x 10 and a St. Francis Borgia directory.
For more information, see our Parish Directory page.