Is there $2,000 in your future? There could be! But only if you participate in our PARISH RAFFLE! Second prize is $500 and there’s a bonus prize of lunch for four with Fr. Patrick.
Ticket donations are $10 apiece or six for $50.If paying by check, make those checks payable to SFB Church, and be sure to note “raffle” on the memo line.
Tickets were included in the June 3 bulletin. Additional tickets are available from Pastoral Council members, who will be in the gathering space after the remaining June Masses (except 6 p.m. June 24) to answer questions, provide additional raffle tickets, and collect tickets/money.
You can also pick up or return raffle tickets/money at the parish office during business hours (until 12 noon Friday, June 22).
Raffle tickets/money can also be dropped in the collection basket.
The winning tickets will be drawn after the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 24. You don’t have to be present to win, but it’ll be more fun if you are! There will be treats and hospitality as part of the fun.
Good luck!!