The call to the Order of Deacon is a call to a ministry of service, which may take many forms. Most deacons serve in parish ministry, primarily working with the pastor and parish staff in facilitating lay ministry. Like the priest, the deacon should call others to ministry by his witness and his example.
Those considering the vocation to the Permanent Diaconate should first reflect on their qualities and qualifications, and decide whether they are suited to serve. For those men (married or single) who are interested in learning more, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will be offering a series of sessions to help them discern the call to the Permanent Diaconate.
This “Inquiry for Discernment” will be offered by region or via Zoom. Please visit for more information on the Permanent Diaconate, as well as information on future dates and regions. You may also contact the Diaconate Formation Office at 414-758-2207 with questions.