Fr. Yamid Blanco would like to invite you to join him on a once-in-lifetime pilgrimage to the Holy Land for 10 days from Feb. 26 to Mar. 7, 2018. We will visit Nazareth, walk the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and climb Mount Tabor where Our Lord was transfigured before His disciples. We will journey down the Jordan Valley and climb the mountain to Jerusalem. There we will visit and pray at the sites of His final days-the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane. We will follow the Via Dolorosa(the way of the Cross) and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the site of both Calvary and the Tomb where He was buried and from which He rose from the dead. At each location, we will read and reflect on the Gospels. You will never again see or hear these words of Scripture without vividly recalling the places where Jesus walked and taught.
The price of $3,200 per person includes first class hotels (double occupancy), two meals each day (breakfast and dinner), sightseeing, daily Mass, airport taxes and fuel surcharges. For more information, contact the parish office.