Have you, a family member, or a friend, ever been touched by substance addiction? The most recent statistics from the WI Department of Justice (2014) identify Ozaukee and Washington counties as two of 11 counties in WI with the highest incidence of crime lab cases surrounding substance addiction most notably heroin. (www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p4/p45718-14.pdf)
In response to this problem, a small team of St. Francis Borgia parishioners, under the direction of Fr. Al Veik and Fr. Tom Eichenberger are launching a new ministry called SAM during this special “Year of Mercy.” SAM is the acronym for Substance Addiction Ministry. It is a faith-based ministry with four components: education, prevention, referral and support.
In the gathering space after all Masses the weekend of Aug. 27-28, we will be selling Sacred Heart votive candles for $10 each. All proceeds will help sponsor events related to this ministry. The candles also serve as a reminder to pray for those who are afflicted and affected by this disease. There are prayer cards available with each purchase.
Light a candle – say a prayer. Overdose Awareness Day is Aug. 31. Watch the parish website and the bulletin in 2017 for upcoming events related to SAM. For more information about this much-needed ministry, go to www.osv.com and type in “Cross of Addiction”. Or to go directly to the Cross of Addiction page, click here.