It’s time for the SFB/Groth’s Country Garden Plant Sale. St. Francis Borgia School will receive 25% of every coupon
How it works:
Purchase $20 coupons in the gathering space after Masses next weekend, May 5-6. You can also obtain them at the front desk at SFB School during school hours.
Bring your coupons to Groth’s and use them to purchase wonderful items for your gardens. Groth’s Country Gardens
specializes in annual and perennial bedding plants. They grow over 600 varieties of plants, many of which are not found at other garden centers.
Please note:
Coupons expire June 30, 2018 and no cash will be returned for purchases less than the value of the certificate. The certificates are not redeemable for cash.
Questions? Contact the Parish Office.Thank you for your support!