It is time for Vacation Bible Camp…formerly called VBS (Vacation Bible School). We hope the new name will help to convey all of the fun that we have at VBC!
VBC is a week-long, fun-filled adventure in faith formation, to be held June 25-29. The theme for our VBC this year is Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus. The Bible stories that we will be studying are from the New Testament and we study them through different stations which include music, drama, crafts, snack, video and games.
Supplies are needed for each of these areas and VBC could really use your help in three different ways!
- First, in our gathering space, please find our shipwreck. Look for the tags containing an item or supply that is needed for VBC. If you would be so kind, take a tag, purchase the item and bring it back to the church gathering space or the parish office, with the tag attached. Thanks!
- Second, VBC needs lots of volunteers! Adults, high schoolers and middle schoolers! Without adult volunteers to maintain our adult to child ratio, we would be unable to offer VBC. To volunteer please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form found at, in the Parish Office or by the Shipwrecked display in the gathering space.
- Third, but most important – please pray for the success and safety of our VBC. (A prayer for good weather would also be appreciated!)
This is a wonderful faith and fun-filled week. We ask God’s blessings and we offer thanks for this opportunity to share our faith in a special way with our children and youth.
See the Vacation Bible Camp page for more information about this week-long event.