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Who We Are

St. Francis Borgia Parish is located in Cedarburg, WI and is part of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. We’d be happy to have you join with our faith community for worship and fellowship. For information about our parish, please browse our website pages, or contact us with your questions.

Our vision is to be a parish that is:

  • Welcoming
  • Centered around the liturgy
  • Practicing good stewardship
  • Singing heartily
  • Engaged in joyful service and outreach
  • Served by a great staff
  • Embracing growth
  • Enthusiastically Catholic
  • Unified and harmonious
  • Filled with volunteers of all ages

Our Mission


We seek to be a parish that shares Christ in many ways, but especially through our Catholic School and Christian Formation programs. We commit ourselves to supporting and promoting these programs of faith formation for our children and young adults. We want to share Christ in our conversations and daily living. We love to discuss the Sunday homily on the way home in the car, and to ‘talk religion’ in our social circles whenever appropriate. We even want to share Christ by leading and serving the Cedarburg community.


As Catholics we celebrate Christ principally at the altar and in the sacraments. Worship is the heart of our life as a parish, and the altar is the center of our parish. Sunday Mass is our priority. We celebrate Christ through vibrant parish life, where people see their parish as a community of fun and fellowship. We celebrate Christ by serving the poor and the needy, as if the poor were Christ himself.


We try to live Christ on a daily basis, especially by sharing our gifts and talents. We will live lives of true stewardship, acknowledging that everything we have comes from God, and that we owe God a truly grateful portion of everything in return. Living Christ means practicing total charity to our neighbor and generous outreach in all things. Living Christ means being a biblical people who see the Gospel of Jesus as the rule and measure of all we do, including our politics.

These are the words of our St. Francis Borgia mission statement, which is meant to give direction and vision to all parish activities.

The mission statement should serve as a guiding light for all our ministries and works, even the annual budget.