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Human Concerns Overview

We strive to meet the needs of our parishioners who seek assistance when experiencing life’s hardships. We will coordinate with our parish and community-based resources to respond with care. We are only coordinators in this effort, connecting those in need with the resources we have available.

In addition, we work to help meet critical needs in our extended community through collections, volunteers, and donations.

We are grateful to our parishioners who generously donate their time, talent, and financial support to assist those in need.

Human Concerns Committee

This parish-wide committee encompasses representatives from all Human Concerns ministries and members of the parish at large. They coordinate volunteers and determine financial assistance of our parish in the broader community.

Our Ministries

Blood Drives

In a collaborative effort to help save lives, St. Francis Borgia and St. Joseph parishes periodically sponsor American Red Cross blood drives, held in the St. Francis Borgia church hall. Announcements are made in the bulletin and on the Volunteer page of the website.

House of Peace Christmas Brunch

Every December, our youth travel to Milwaukee to bring a bit of Christmas cheer to the inner city. A delicious meal is served and presents are given to all, thanks to the generosity of our parishioners. Volunteers are needed to help with the fundraiser in the fall, solicit and wrap gifts, provide food for the event, and serve at the event. Watch the Volunteer page of the website in fall each year for ways to help.

Inner City Ministry

The Inner City Ministry helps the poor and homeless in Milwaukee, especially through shelters such as Repairers of the Breach, House of Peace and MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary. Read more…

Knit and Crochet Ministry

People who knit or crochet at all ability levels are invited to join us to make items for those needing support and encouragement. Read more…

Mercy’s Mission

We tend to the spiritual needs of our parishioners who are elderly and homebound and distribute Communion to them. We keep contact with these parishioners; in a sense we become their advocate to the parish. The time commitment is one hour per week.

Respect Life Ministry

Our mission is to spread the gospel of life by sharing the teachings of the Catholic Church on life issues. Read more…

St. Michael and St. Rose of Lima Twinning

St. Francis Borgia has two twinning (or “sister parish”) relationships in the inner city of Milwaukee – St. Michael and St. Rose of Lima. Read more…

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by the gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need. Read more…

Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM)

SAM is a faith-based ministry to provide hope, healing and reconciliation to the people of God touched by addiction.  Read more...

Uganda Twinning

St. Francis Borgia Parish enjoys a twinning relationship with the people of St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Mukono, Uganda in East Africa. Read more….

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” – 1 Peter 3:15