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Mass Intentions

2The tradition of offering Masses for others, particularly the dead, originates in the very early Church. When we face the death of someone, even a person who is not Catholic, to have a Mass offered for the repose of his soul and to offer our prayers can be more beneficial and comforting than any other sympathy card or bouquet of flowers.

Persons for whom a Mass is being offered are named during the Prayer of the Faithful, when the petitions are read and the congregation responds, usually saying “Lord Hear Our Prayer.”

Scheduling Mass Intentions

For each calendar year, there will be two “openings” of the Mass intentions book, as illustrated below.

  • At the beginning of February, the Mass intentions schedule for July-December of the current year opens. (For example, in February 2024 the schedule for July-December 2024 opens.)
  • At the beginning of June, the Mass intentions schedule for January-June of the following year opens. (For example, in June 2024 the Mass intentions schedule for January-June 2025 opens.)

To schedule days and times for the remembrance of your loved ones, please stop by the parish office or call during business hours.

Number of Requests Per Person/Family

Due to the size of our parish, we must limit Mass intentions to four per family per calendar year. Each intention may be for one person or for multiple people if they are related (such as husband/wife, grandparent/grandchild). The number of Masses was determined by Fr. Patrick after consulting parishes of similar size as St. Francis Borgia.

Stipend Requested

As of July 1, 2024, the requested stipend for all Mass intentions is $20 per Mass.

    For questions, please contact the parish office at 262-377-1070 or email the parish office.

    “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.” – Rom. 12:1