Baptism Preparation for Parents
Before a child is baptized at St. Francis Borgia, we ask that the parent(s) pre-register for a Baptism Preparation class. See the Baptism page for details.
Becoming a Catholic
Each year St. Francis Borgia Parish has the privilege and pleasure of welcoming new members into the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: RCIA. For information, see the Becoming a Catholic page.
Confirmation for Adults
For baptized, practicing Catholics who have made First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist but were never confirmed, adult Confirmation preparation is offered. See the Adult Confirmation page for details.
Programs and Formation Opportunities
Everyone is on a life-long journey of faith formation. In order to grow in greater understanding, to courageously live, and to boldly share our faith, we need to continually learn and be formed in faith. Watch for Adult Faith Formation opportunities offered by St. Francis Borgia Parish throughout the year.
For information on adult formation, contact the parish office at 262-377-1070 or send an email.