Each year St. Francis Borgia Parish has the privilege and pleasure of welcoming new Catholics into our faith community at the Easter Vigil. Those welcomed have participated in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process. They have journeyed with the RCIA team – learning about prayer, sacraments, saints, the life of the church and much more.
Who Can Participate
RCIA may be for you if you would like to be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church and participate in the sacraments; and
- You haven’t yet been baptized; or
- You were baptized in a different faith tradition and would like to receive Communion and Confirmation; or
- You were baptized and raised Catholic, but haven’t received Communion and/or been confirmed.
Non-baptized children over the age of 7 may also participate in the RCIA process.
The RCIA Process
The RCIA process starts with a period of inquiry – very informal meetings with a team member a couple of times during August and September. Then we meet regularly from October through April.
RCIA Sponsors
RCIA sponsors are confirmed Catholics, active members of their parish communities, and are in good standing with the Catholic Church. RCIA sponsors should come with you often to your classes, pray with you and for you, and be involved in your life after you receive the sacraments of initiation. Often, RCIA sponsors are people you already know, but sometimes they are dedicated and faithful St. Francis Borgia parish members who are willing to get to know you during this part of your journey of faith.
If you are interested or would like to learn more, contact the parish office at 262-377-1070 or send an email. For information about other adult formation programs, see the Adult Formation / Education page.