The sacrament of reconciliation (confession) is our opportunity to receive pardon through God’s mercy for our sins, and to be reconciled with the Church community. Going to confession is a spiritually and emotionally positive experience where we not only receive but also feel God’s love; we renew our baptismal innocence; we get advice for the soul; and we clear our consciences. It’s a good thing.
A priest will normally be available to hear your confession at the following times- or by appointment at the North Church:
- Sundays from 9:15 – 9:45 a.m.
- Monday from 3:30-4 p.m.
- Monday-Friday from 11-11:30 a.m.
- Thursday from 5- 6 p.m.
Confessions are heard in the Reconciliation Room in the Gathering Area of the North Church. (This is the “Cry Room” during Mass.)
Other times (and changes to the normal schedule) may be announced in the bulletin and on the website News page.
During Lent
During Lent, the parish offers additional opportunities for individual confession, sometimes with multiple priests. These are normally announced in the bulletin and posted on the website Calendar. They might also be posted on the Events page or News page.
First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation is ordinarily celebrated in grade 2. Because of the importance of this sacrament, the amount of information that second graders must learn, and per Archdiocesan policy, preparation for First Reconciliation must start the year prior (or sooner) to the reception of the sacrament. Preparation includes sessions with the parents and children to supplement the classroom instruction. First Reconciliation is usually celebrated during Lent.
- For those who attend St. Francis Borgia School, preparation for First Reconciliation is part of the first grade school curriculum.
- For those enrolled in the parish Christian Formation program, preparation begins in first grade. Details regarding preparation and requirements are listed in the First Reconciliation section of the Sacrament Preparation page.
- Parents who anticipate homeschooling their first grader(s) need to meet with the appropriate parish staff to assure compliance with Archdiocesan policy. Please email the Director of Child and Family Formation or call 377-1070, ext. 328.
For more information about Reconciliation at St. Francis Borgia, please contact the Parish Office at (262) 377-1070 or email the parish office.