Important: Please contact the parish office at least six months in advance of the wedding date.
As Roman Catholics, we believe in marriage as a sacrament, a living sign and instrument of Jesus in our lives. We believe that marriage is social as well as personal. To be married in the Church means to be married as believers within a community of believers. Catholics accept marriage as it is taught by the Church – that God is its author, Jesus is its model, and the Church is its guardian.
Preparation Requirements
In 1978, the bishops of Wisconsin developed a common policy to aid priests in preparing people for marriage. (A copy of the main points and an outline of the procedure are available upon request from the parish office.) This policy states that there must be at least a four-month period between the initial interview (the first visit of the couple planning marriage and the priest) and their chosen wedding date.
- Couples are encouraged to register for marriage as soon as possible and at least six months in advance.
- Couples should expect to meet with their priest a number of times in the course of their preparation for this sacrament.
- Couples must also participate in the Archdiocesan Enrichment Program for the Engaged and a pre-marital inventory called the FOCCUS program.
Due to Perpetual Adoration at our South Church, nearly all weddings take place at our North Church. Weddings may take place at our South Church only if the bride or groom grew up at St. Francis Borgia Parish or has been a member for two or more years by the time of the engagement.
Normally, at least one of the engaged persons is a registered practicing member of St. Francis Borgia Parish. Adult children of parish families, even if living elsewhere, are considered members for the purpose of marriage. (To register, see the How to Join Us page.)
Marriage Preparation Ministry
Volunteers in the marriage preparation ministry are married couples who meet with parish couples who are planning to be married. They assist with a pre-marital inventory called the FOCCUS program. For more information on this ministry of marriage preparation, contact the wedding coordinator at (262) 377-1070, ext. 329 or send an email.