Adult Formation Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues
All are invited to join Fr. Matthew for the next Adult Formation series: Bishop Barron’s Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues. We will be discussing the classic ways that can distance us from God and the virtues that we can develop to bring us to him and follow the...
Parish Pilgrimage to Italy
Fr. Matthew Ferch will be leading a parish pilgrimage to Italy in Spring 2025! The dates for the pilgrimage are March 24 - April 2, 2025. This is an exciting opportunity to visit many holy sites throughout Italy and to grow in friendship with fellow...
"What is the meaning of life?" "How do I find happiness?" "Am I being called to more?" "What is God's plan for me?" "How do I overcome my feelings of loneliness?" "Why am I here?" If you or anyone else you know: is seeking to find answers to questions like these,...
Christian Formation Assistants
Our Christian Formation Ministry is seeking two assistants to help with our growing programs. Our CF directors, Catie and Brian, need your help! The Child Ministry Assistant position offers the chance to work with the youngest students in our programs. This role...
South Church Closing for Renovations
Beginning after the 9 a.m. Easter Mass on Sunday, March 31, 2024, the South Church will be closed for remodeling. The remodel is expected to conclude by Christmas 2024. Adoration will be moved to the North Church in Classroom A in the Church Hall. This change will...
2024 Catholic Stewardship Appeal
This weekend, February 10-11, 2024 is the Catholic Stewardship Appeal weekend. Your support of Catholic Stewardship Appeal helps to accomplish God's work in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. To donate, please text APPEAL2024 to 414-348-8380, give online at...
Need a helping hand? Ozaukee area agencies/groups that could help
Sometimes life throws an unexpected curve ball. If you or someone you know is facing a difficult time - due to COVID-19 issues or any other difficulty - there are many agencies and organizations that are able to help. If you don’t know where to start, contact St....