Prioritize Your Financial Giving
Annual Parish Stewardship and School Annual Fund Campaign
The first priority in any parish is in tithing and giving to the operations of the parish and school, community outreach programs the parish is involved in and facilities maintenance. This focus is included under the Annual Parish Stewardship and School Annual Fund Campaign. This campaign takes place every year in the fall and is the opportunity for parishioners to make a financial pledge as well as commitments to time, talent and prayer. Read more…
Catholic Stewardship Appeal and Combined Collections
Love One Another Campaign
The third priority in any parish comes from a “Philanthropic Contribution” or an “Above and Beyond” your regular giving. This would be the “Love One Another” campaign which includes the parish capital campaign. The Love One Another campaign’s mission is to meet the growing needs and the future needs of the Church that are beyond daily operations. Read more…
For more information, please contact the Stewardship Office at 262-377-1070 or email us.