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Important: See the “Parents” information below on baptismal preparation.


Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as daughters and sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.

Baptism of Those over 7 Years of Age

All unbaptized persons over seven years of age enter the Church through the “Restored Rite”, known as the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). For more information, see the Becoming a Catholic (RCIA) page.

Baptism of Infants

At St. Francis Borgia, we want every family that comes to the parish for baptism of their child to feel welcomed and prepared for this first step in their child’s journey of faith. Baptism of infants is celebrated outside of Mass on Saturdays at 5:45PM and on Sundays at 11:30AM.


Before a child is baptized at St. Francis Borgia, we ask that the parent(s) pre-register for a Baptism Preparation class. At this class, discussion will focus on the meaning and history of Christian baptism in the Catholic tradition, as well as canonical, diocesan and parish requirements. We encourage you to attend the class as early as possible – even before your baby is born.

Baptism Preparation Classes

Please contact the parish office if you wish to register or have questions about the class.

Sponsors (Godparents)

Sponsors should be carefully chosen as they will be examples of faith to the children they sponsor for entrance into the Christian community. Sponsors must be confirmed Catholics, sixteen years of age or older, who are registered, practicing members of a Catholic parish.

Parents may choose one of the following options:

  • Two sponsors (one male, one female)
  • One sponsor (either male or female)
  • One sponsor and one Christian Witness (one male and one female) – see Christian Witness section below.

Christian Witness

Parents may choose to have one sponsor (as described above) along with a Christian witness from another Christian faith tradition. A Christian witness must be a baptized, practicing Christian in his or her own faith tradition. Persons who are not baptized, practicing Christians (defined as registered members of a church) may not act as Christian witnesses.

Scheduling a Baptism

Baptism dates may be scheduled once parents have attended the Baptism Preparation class and the parish office has received all the required paperwork. Completed forms can be emailed, dropped off, or mailed to the parish office.

For more information about baptisms at St. Francis Borgia, please contact the Parish Office at (262) 377-1070 or email the parish office.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.” – Rev. 4:8