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Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses (North Church)

Sunday Masses, including the anticipated Mass on Saturday evening, are held at the North Church. The regular schedule is shown here.

Saturday – 4:30 p.m.
Sunday Morning – 8 a.m.
Sunday Morning – 10 a.m. ad orientem (see “Ad Orientem Masses” below)
Sunday Evening – 6 p.m.

Low-gluten hosts will be available for those needing them. Please alert an usher prior to Mass, and they will make sure one is consecrated for you.

Mass obligation

The obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains in place in the Archdiocese for all who are able to attend. If you are unable to attend Mass at church, click here for in-home (broadcast) information.

Weekday Masses (South Church)

Weekday Masses are normally offered Monday-Saturday at the South Church.

  • Tuesday through Friday – 7 a.m.
  • Monday and Saturday – 8 a.m.
  • All daily Masses are ad orientem (see “Ad Orientem Masses” below)
  • Also see “Holy Day, Holiday and Other Special Masses” below

Low-gluten hosts will be available for those needing them at South Church weekday Masses. Please go to the sacristy ahead of Mass and let the presider know so that he or one of the Communion ministers can prepare one. (If you are facing the altar, the sacristy is the small room to the right of the altar.)

Holy Day, Holiday and Other Special Masses

On certain days, Mass times and locations are changed from the usual schedule and are announced in the bulletin and updated on the website Calendar and Events page. These normally include:

  • Holy days (For an explanation of holy days, see the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Holy Days of Obligation page)
  • Holidays
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Holy Thursday
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Vigil
  • Easter Sunday

Ad Orientem Masses

Since the beginning of Lent 2021, the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass and all daily Masses have been celebrated ad orientem. This means that for parts of the Mass, the priest and the people face the same direction, symbolizing that the words during that time are spoken directly to God.

  • This page shows the usual schedule. Changes are announced in the bulletin, and are normally updated on the website Calendar.
  • If you are sick, homebound or otherwise not able to attend weekend Mass at church, please stay connected with your faith through broadcast or online Masses. Click here for in-home information for both Sunday and weekday Masses. To request Holy Communion brought to you at home, please contact the parish office.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.” – Rev. 4:8