The 15th annual Christmas Brunch was held at the House of Peace on Saturday, Dec. 10. Every aspect of the project went well and the brunch was a huge success!
In preparation for the brunch, scores of SFB youth filled food baskets, baked cookies for each family attending and wrapped hundreds of gifts donated by our generous parishioners. We are incredibly grateful to the “That Man is You” group for assisting in loading the truck with 75 food baskets, wrapped gifts and numerous bikes. Another big thank you goes out to Steve Wienkers and Clubs Choice Fundraising for making a truck available to us! Many adults and youth from SFB prepared and served the brunch and assisted the children with craft activities.
The highlight of the event is always the Christmas Pageant. Our young guests dressed in costumes assuming the roles of Mary and Joseph, animals, angels, shepherds and kings. The children narrated the Christmas story and parents and volunteers filled the room with music as they raised their voices in song.
The Holy Spirit was present as we celebrated the birth of Christ as one community.
A heartfelt thank you to our parish community which makes this event possible each year. By supporting our fundraising efforts, purchasing gifts for our “angels” and donating money for our food baskets we are able to provide a wonderful Christmas experience for our guests each year. May God bless you this Christmas season and fill 2017 with peace and joy. –Maggie Hucko, Michelle Rausch-Neary and Michelle Roden HOP leadership team