The winter sales are a great chance to shop for items to benefit the annual SFB Women’s Guild collection of baby items for the Women’s Care Center in Milwaukee. The collection, held Feb. 11-19, will be for new baby items – anything a baby can use. There is always a great need for diapers in all sizes. Blankets, sleepers, clothing. snowsuits, bibs, formula, pacifiers, etc. are all greatly appreciated. Due to the lack of storage space at the Care Center, toys, books and stuffed animals cannot be accepted.
Donations of gently-used maternity clothes, as well as car seats and strollers that meet safety standards, are welcome.
Monetary donations are also appreciated. Checks should be payable to “SFB Women’s Guild” and note “Women’s Care Center” on the memo line.
Please help these needy moms who have chosen to give life to their babies. A collection site will be set up in the gathering area beginning February 11. Please contact the parish office at 377-1070 if you have questions. Thank you for your support.