With the continued generous support of St. Francis Borgia parish members, the youth of our parish are helping plan the 16th Annual Christmas Brunch at the House of Peace. The House of Peace is located in the inner city of Milwaukee and has been serving the needy since 1968. On Saturday, December 8, youth and adults from our parish will prepare and serve a special holiday breakfast and entertain guests with a Christmas pageant and holiday sing-along. Each child in attendance will be presented with wrapped Christmas gifts donated by parish members through our “Angel Tag” program. Each family will also receive a food basket and holiday turkey, thanks to the generous donations from parishioners. Last year over 250 adults and children attended the brunch and we expect just as many participants this year. We really need your help to make the brunch a success.
Here’s how you can help:
Sponsor an “Angel” from our Angel board in the gathering area of the church. Each child attending the brunch will have an “Angel Tag”. You can purchase any or all of the gifts listed on your angel’s wish list. Please include a box with any clothing, and batteries for any gifts that require them. As part of the House of Peace Activity Initiative, which promotes exercise and healthy living for inner city families, many children have asked for bikes, rollerblades, scooters, and skateboard which are listed on the yellow Angel Tags on our boards, in addition to other higher priced gift ideas. We understand these items are more expensive and are hoping you will coordinate with extended family, friends, or neighbors to purchase one of these gifts. Please return your angel tag and the unwrapped gift, (parish youth will wrap them) to the basement area (back west stairway) of the church by Sunday, November 25.
Make a monetary donation towards a turkey and/or food basket or towards an Angel gift. Your donation should be put in an envelope marked HOP Brunch and placed in the lock box in the gathering area. Please make checks payable to SFB and note HOP Brunch in the memo line.
Donate wrapping paper for the wrapping of Angel gifts.
Help wrap Angel gifts: On Sunday, December 2, from 2-4 p.m. we need youth and parents to wrap the Angel gifts. It’s a fun afternoon and a great way for the youth to earn Confirmation and community service hours.
For more information, or to volunteer to help with wrapping, please contact the parish office.