My name is Sarah Pandl. I am the new Director of Child and Family Ministry for St. Francis Borgia Parish. I am grateful for this opportunity to bring children and families closer to Jesus Christ. This will occur through our continued children’s Christian Formation classes, family catechesis opportunities, as well as seeking to begin Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the children of the parish.
I have been blessed to have experience in children’s catechesis both teaching in a parish grade school, as well as serving as a parish Director of Religious Education. Both my undergraduate and graduate studies from Franciscan University have focused on faith formation. My Bachelor’s Degree is in Theology and Catechetics.
After comprehensive exams in November, I will have completed my Master’s Degree in Catechetics and Evangelization. I have also completed all three levels of training for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
I am originally from Milwaukee. Most of my childhood and youth, my family lived in Waukesha and were members of St. Mary’s parish. As an adult, I have lived around the mid west in Ohio, Illinois and Kansas. Although I have enjoyed those places, it is good to be home again in Wisconsin!
I look forward to continuing to meet the great people that make up St. Francis Borgia Parish. Please introduce yourself to me when you a chance. May we keep one another in prayer and grow in faith together.