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Photos of Parish Life

Fr. Eds Requiem Mass

The Mass of Chrsitian Burial for Fr. Ed. Wawrzyniakowski was held on August 11 at the North Church. Fr. Ed passed away at the age of 92 and was St. Francis Borgia's 27th pastor serving "27 years and 4 months", our longest serving pastor on August 2, 2022. Archbishop Listecki presided with about 150 in attendance, followed by a burial at St. Francis Borgia cemetery.

Confirmation 2021

April 18, 2021Confirmation 2021 at St. Francis Borgia was held Sunday, April 18, with Bishop James Schuerman presiding. Fr. Patrick Burns concelebrated and Deacon Michael Malucha assisted. Fifty-one young Catholics from our parish were confirmed at this Mass. It was a beautiful celebration and we continue to pray that they deepen their faith and turn to God each and every day!

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

February 7-9, 2020

Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and there are miracles to prove it. From February 7-9, San Salvador Council Knights of Columbus hosted the Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit at St. Francis Borgia. Over 100 miracles were highlighted where Eucharistic hosts miraculously turned into visible flesh and blood. Hundreds of parishioners and others from the area came to see the display and were amazed and edified. (Note: extensive information, including links to individual displays, can be viewed online at http://therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/engl_mir.htm.)


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