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Photos of Parish Life

Food Blessing and Easter Vigil 2023

Blessing of the Food

All were invited to bring any food and ingredients that were used in Easter meal preparation on Sat., April 8 at 12 p.m. on the North Church Plaza. It is tradition to bring the Easter food to Church in order to give thanksgiving to God for the food and for the fellowship that we are about to share.

Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil began at 8 p.m. at the North Church with the lighting of the Easter candle on the North Church Plaza. Afterwards parishioners processed into the Church with their lights candles to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. 12 people were welcomed into the Church that night. Following Mass, a reception was held in the North Church to celebrate the new members into the Catholic Faith.

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

February 7-9, 2020

Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and there are miracles to prove it. From February 7-9, San Salvador Council Knights of Columbus hosted the Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit at St. Francis Borgia. Over 100 miracles were highlighted where Eucharistic hosts miraculously turned into visible flesh and blood. Hundreds of parishioners and others from the area came to see the display and were amazed and edified. (Note: extensive information, including links to individual displays, can be viewed online at http://therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/engl_mir.htm.)

Parish Day of Service

May 8, 2021Our annual Parish Day of Service was held at the North Church on Saturday, May 8. The day began at 8 a.m. with a prayer in church. There were more than 50 parishioners – school families, Christian Formation families, older parishioners, young parishioners, teens and even a one-year-old – working together to clean up the parish grounds. Of special note were the clean-up of the old foundation and fire pit area, and the garden beds in front of the rectory and around the grounds. It was a beautiful day filled with laughter, conversation and relationship building. Following the morning’s work, there was a pizza lunch on the plaza for fun and fellowship.

Fr. Patrick’s Installation as Pastor

June 15, 2019
On Saturday, June 15, Fr. Patrick Burns was formally installed as the pastor of St. Francis Borgia Parish. The ceremony was held during the 4:30 p.m. Mass at the North Church, with Archbishop Jerome Listecki presiding. On this special occasion, the Knights of Columbus served as an honor guard during the entrance procession. Fr. Patrick concelebrated the Mass along with former pastor Fr. Tom Eichenberger and several other priests. During the installation, the archbishop spoke about the importance and role of the pastor in the life of the parish. Then he "introduced" Fr. Patrick to his parish staff, the members of the finance and pastoral councils, and the trustees, as if they were meeting for the first time. Upon their introduction, each one proceeded to the altar and shook Fr. Patrick's hand. After Mass, parishioners congratulated Fr. Patrick in the gathering space and in the church hall where a reception was held in his honor.


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