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Photos of Parish Life

International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles 2023
The International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles was held at St. Francis Borgia North Church Hall the weekend of February 18-19 and was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. This exhibit displayed boards with miracles of over 100 Church-documented miracles where Hosts have turned into visible flesh and blood. These signs have been thoroughly investigated and found to be miraculous. The Knights of Columbus raised over $500 for the Real Presence Association (caretakers of the exhibit) to help them continue spreading their message.
Respect Life Mass

January 22, 2016

On Friday, January 22, pro-life advocates from across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee joined together in prayer on the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki celebrated Mass at St. Francis Borgia parish in Cedarburg with priests from various parishes in southeastern Wisconsin, including our own Fr. Justin Lopina. The evening commenced with a rosary and concluded with a gathering in the church hall. The sounds of infant voices throughout the Mass made the message of the evening poignant, yet joyful at the same time. After Mass, many visitors from neighboring parishes commented on the beauty of the liturgy, music and choir. Click to view gallery.


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