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Photos of Parish Life

Treasures of The Church

October 24, 2016

On Monday, October 24, Fr. Carlos Martins—an expert in the study of Relics of Saints—addressed St. Francis Borgia parishioners and visitors with a beautiful explanation of why relics are part of church teaching as well as biblical references to them. After the presentation, 300 people spanning many generations processed to the church hall to venerate nearly 150 certified relics. Rosaries, prayer cards, medals, scapulars and other objects were touched to the reliquaries which in turn makes these objects third-class relics. For more than two hours, the hall was virtually silent as young and old alike viewed, held and learned about some of the most influential saints of all time. Click to view gallery.

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

February 7-9, 2020

Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and there are miracles to prove it. From February 7-9, San Salvador Council Knights of Columbus hosted the Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit at St. Francis Borgia. Over 100 miracles were highlighted where Eucharistic hosts miraculously turned into visible flesh and blood. Hundreds of parishioners and others from the area came to see the display and were amazed and edified. (Note: extensive information, including links to individual displays, can be viewed online at http://therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/engl_mir.htm.)


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